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Introduction to OpenShift

Get hands-on experience with OpenShift and learn all about it!

Jesse Hoch - Pluralsight course - Introduction to OpenShift
by Jesse Hoch

What you'll learn

If you’ve ever wanted to play around with OpenShift or wondered what it is and how it differs from Kubernetes, then you’ve come to the right place! In this course, we’ll answer those questions as well as explore OpenShift on CodeReady Containers, which is one of three installation methods we will discuss (along with installer-provisioned and user-provisioned). CodeReady Containers allows you to run OpenShift on your laptop or desktop and is by far the easiest way to get hands-on experience with OpenShift. We will be setting up and configuring our cluster, taking a tour of the web console, getting cozy with the CLI, and deploying our very first application stack. We will also go over the ins and outs of your OpenShift cluster on CodeReady Containers and get you moving with OpenShift. This is one of a series of OpenShift 4 courses that are a part of the OpenShift 4 certification learning path. If you are interested in getting certified, start here with this Introduction course.

Table of contents

About the author

Jesse Hoch - Pluralsight course - Introduction to OpenShift
Jesse Hoch

Jesse is a Training Architect here at Pluralsight with a focus on DevOps. Jesse finds the world of DevOps fascinating and loves how there are many avenues to explore. He has over 20 years of IT experience in various roles. He has been a Linux Systems Administrator, a Database Administrator, and an IT Manager to name a few and specializes in Terraform and OpenShift. He loves exploring new technologies and entertaining his curious mind. He is very happy to be your guide in your learning journey so let the journey begin!

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