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Learn by Building Redis with Ruby

Learn all about Redis and how it works under the hood by building your own clone.

Xavier Shay - Pluralsight course - Learn by Building Redis with Ruby
by Xavier Shay

What you'll learn

In this course we build a Redis clone from scratch, using Ruby. We will implement all the major features, including the data structures, transactions, persistence, and more. Along the way we'll also learn how Redis uses Unix sockets and process management to better understand how it operates at the system level. By the end of this course you will have a better understanding of how Redis works, allowing you to make better decisions about how and when to use it.

Table of contents

About the author

Xavier Shay - Pluralsight course - Learn by Building Redis with Ruby
Xavier Shay

Xavier has been on the startup scene for nearly a decade, and is prolific in the open-source community. He is on the RSpec core team and is Rails contributor, and has over 80 projects on Github.

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