- Core Tech
Refactoring from Anemic Domain Model Towards a Rich One
Building bullet-proof business line applications is a complex task. This course will teach you an in-depth guideline into refactoring from Anemic Domain Model into a rich, highly encapsulated one.
What you'll learn
Having a rich, highly encapsulated domain model is essential if you want to succeed in building building bullet-proof business line applications. In this course, Refactoring from Anemic Domain Model Towards a Rich One, is going to show you how to properly implement it. First, you'll cover why Anemic domain is an anti-pattern and its relationship to functional programming. Next, you'll learn about encapsulation and how to achieve it in your domain model. Finally, you'll touch on some important refactoring techniques. By the end of this course, you'll understand practical techniques that will help you recognize this anti-pattern in your code base and refactor it into a bullet-proof one.
About the author
Vladimir Khorikov is a Microsoft MVP and has been professionally involved in software development for more than 10 years.
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