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Building Ruby Web Apps with Rack 2

Almost every Ruby web framework has one thing in common: they're built on Rack. In this course you'll learn how to use this vital library, both by itself and in conjunction with other Ruby frameworks.

Jason Clark - Pluralsight course - Building Ruby Web Apps with Rack 2
by Jason Clark

What you'll learn

At the core of every major Ruby web framework is Rack, a slim, versatile HTTP library. In this course, Building Ruby Web Apps with Rack, you'll learn how to use Rack and make simple, fast web applications. First, you'll learn the basic protocol that Rack uses for communicating with web servers like Puma and Unicorn. Next, you'll discover how to extend and enrich your application with middleware. Finally, you'll explore how to leverage your knowledge of Rack in other frameworks like Rails and Sinatra. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a foundational knowledge of Rack that will help you build faster, more maintainable Ruby web applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Jason Clark - Pluralsight course - Building Ruby Web Apps with Rack 2
Jason Clark

Jason fell in love with programming as a young boy watching his dad work in Clipper and dBase III (no, really). The obsession sparked there continues to this day. He works for New Relic, and in his spare time contributes to the Shoes project. When not at work, he enjoys cycling, homebrewing, and hanging out with his family.

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