- Lab
- Cloud
- Data

Using DMS to Configure Ongoing Replication from RDS to Redshift
In this lab, you will set up a replication instance, configure an existing RDS instance as a source endpoint, define Redshift as a target endpoint, and configure a Database Migration Task to replicate existing data with ongoing replication from our RDS source to the Redshift target.

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Table of Contents
Configure the DMS Replication Instance
- Navigate to the DMS dashboard.
- Click Replication instances.
- Click Create replication instance.
- Create the DMS replication instance with the following:
- Name: wild-llama-dms
- Instance class: dms.t3.micro
- Engine verison: 3.4.6
- Allocated storage: 50 gb
- Choose VPC: acgdmslab
- Uncheck Publicly Accessible
- Under Advanced settings, select a security group (acgDMSLabSG).
- Click Create.
Note: If you get a message that the IAM role is not configured properly, wait a moment, and then click Create again.
Configure Source and Target Endpoints
- Navigate to the DMS dashboard.
- Click Endpoints.
- Click Create endpoint.
Source Configuration:
- Choose the Source endpoint type.
- Select the RDS instance checkbox.
- Change Access to endpoint database to Provide access information manually.
- Enter the password for the lab, leave everything else as is.
- Under Test endpoint connection (optional), chooose the VPC acgdmslab, select the replication instance created earlier in the lab, and click Run test.
- Once the status returns as successful, click Create endpoint.
Target Configuration:
- Choose the Target endpoint type.
- Add an Endpoint identifier of "wlt-redshift".
- Change the Target engine to Amazon Redshift.
- Change Access to endpoint database to Provide access information manually.
- Enter the server name for Redshift.
- Enter 5439 for the port.
- Enter "cloud_user" for the User name.
- Enter the password for Redshift (found in your lab credentials) in the Password field.
- Enter a Database name of "wild_llama_travel".
- Under Test endpoint connection (optional), chooose the VPC acgdmslab, select the replication instance created earlier in the lab, and click Run test.
- Once status returns as successful, click Create endpoint.
Configure Replication Task
- Navigate to the DMS dashboard.
- Click Database Migration Tasks.
- Click Create Task:
- Enter a Task identifier of "wlt-rds-to-redshift".
- Choose the Replication instance named wild-llama-dms we created in Objective 1.
- Choose the RDS Source and Redshift Target in the dropdowns that match what we created in Objective 2.
- Choose Migration type of Migrate existing data and replicate ongoing changes.
- Leave task settings at their defaults.
- Under Table mappings, choose Add new selection rule.
- Under the Schema dropdown, choose Enter a schema.
- Enter a schema name of "wild_llama_travel".
- Leave Table name as %.
- Set Action to Include.
- Leave Migration task to automatically start on create.
- Click Create task.
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