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'Daydreamer' Production Pipeline Volume 7: Compositing

by Laura Hawk

In this NUKE course, we'll look at how we composited all of the rendered passes from the CG shots together with a few live action shots. Software Required: NUKEX 9.0

What you'll learn

In this NUKE course, we'll look at how we composited all of the rendered passes from the CG shots together with a few live action shots. The goal of this fast-paced tutorial is to give you insight into how we solved problems on the fly and resolved those messy fix it in post types of issues. We're not going to go step-by-step through the compositing of all these assets but instead, we'll take a high level overview of the overall process to learn the key techniques and workflows that were involved to create the finished composite. Since this isn't going to be step-by-step, we'd recommend you have good knowledge of NUKE as well as the compositing process. By the end of this NUKE training, you'll have an understanding of how the compositing process was done for this project. Software Required: NUKEX 9.0.

About the author

Laura is a passionate visual effects and motion graphics author at Pluralsight. Ever since her first exposure to After Effects in college, Laura has had an eternal drive to learn more about motion graphics, and teach others what she has discovered. Laura began working at Digital-Tutors (now a Pluralsight company) as a motion graphics artist, creating visually-appealing advertisements and informative art for the site. Throughout her time at Digital-Tutors, Laura contributed greatly to both the ... more

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