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The Business Value of Design: Front 2019

by Front

Front UX & Product Management Case Study Conference | The Business Value of Design | Mark Rawlins

What you'll learn

Is design fluff? Pop and sizzle? Icing on the cake? Or, is design the lifeblood of the business? We all can point to products and services from thriving businesses that are iconic and well designed. These experiences are reminders that well designed products and services can thrive at the intersection of both consumer and business value. Come listen to Mark Rawlin and stories from his experience at Nike and Vivint Smart Home in creating value through consumer-centered design.

Table of contents

The Business Value of Design

About the author

Front is the product conference for UX designers and product managers. It's a practitioner’s conference. Attendees come for an education, real world, from-the-trenches case studies, and hands-on training from their peers.

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