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Getting Started with DevOps on AWS

by Wes Novack

Interested in getting started with cloud native DevOps? Join Pluralsight cloud architect Wes Novack as he unpacks practical tips for continuous delivery using AWS Developer Tools.

What you'll learn

Interested in getting started with cloud native DevOps? Join Pluralsight cloud architect Wes Novack as he unpacks practical tips for continuous delivery using AWS Developer Tools. You’ll learn how to employ AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline to automate continuous delivery and continuous integration for your application or infrastructure code. You’ll leave feeling ready to tackle your DevOps initiatives with confidence."

Table of contents

Getting Started with DevOps on AWS

About the author

Wes is a Technology Leader, Architect and Engineer specializing in public cloud systems and web scale SaaS Operations. He has designed, built, and managed applications and systems that enable highly-available infrastructure, continuous delivery pipelines, and rapid releases in large, polyglot microservice ecosystems. Wes uses a variety of languages, frameworks, and tooling to build applications, define Infrastructure as Code, drive automation, and eliminate toil. He is vocal in the tech communit... more

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