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Security Champion for Data Analysts

by Laurentiu Raducu

Learn to be a vigilant guardian of data. This course equips data analysts with essential security skills to become effective Security Champions.

What you'll learn

In an era where data breaches are rampant, the need for security-savvy professionals in every team is critical. In Security Champion for Data Analysts, you'll be empowered with the knowledge to protect sensitive data. Initially, you'll grasp the role of a Security Champion. Subsequently, you'll understand how data science teams benefit from having a Security Champion. Lastly, you'll learn strategies to expand and share your security knowledge within your team. By the end of this course, you'll be the go-to person for data security in your team.

About the author

It all began in highschool, when Laurentiu first started his path in the computer science journey. Initially he started with C++, and fell in love quickly with the prospect of learning to develop software. Thanks to his passion for chess, his first computer program was a console-based ASCII chess game developed in C++. After a while, during university, Laurentiu started to experiment with other OOP programming languages, like Java, Kotlin or Python. He started to play with different tech stacks ... more

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