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Selenium 4 Fundamentals with Python

by Elias Fofanov

This course will teach you how to use Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver to create maintainable code that automates routine tasks, scrapes data from web pages, or tests a web application.

What you'll learn

Do you need to automate routine tasks on a web page? Maybe you need to scrape some data from a certain page? Or maybe you want to create a comprehensive suite of automated tests that verify if everything works correctly in your web application? If any of these cases are true for you, you’re in the right place. In this course, Selenium 4 Fundamentals with Python, you’ll learn how to accomplish all the tasks described above. First, you’ll explore what Selenium is in essence. Which products does it consist of? You’ll try to use Selenium IDE which allows generating automation code just by using a mouse. Next, you’ll discover the WebDriver which is a core part of Selenium that allows you to write automation code manually. Then, you'll experience how to scrape data by using Selenium and BeautifulSoup in conjunction. Finally, you’ll learn how to improve the maintainability of your automation code by applying design patterns. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Selenium needed to automate anything you want in a web browser.

About the author

Elias began his career as a postgraduate student participating in the Microsoft ImagineCup contest. He has been working with the .NET platform since 2003. Elias has been professionally architecting and implementing software for nearly 7 years, primarily based on the .NET platform. He is passionate about building rich and powerful applications using modern technologies. Elias is a certified specialist in Windows Applications and Service Communication Applications by Microsoft and he is a former c... more

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