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Triggers and Stored Procedures: A Combined Approach

by Mike McQuillan

Want to keep your triggers lean and efficient, whilst centralizing your code? This course will teach you how to use stored procedures to enhance and improve your SQL Server triggers.

What you'll learn

Is your trigger code too long? Do you find yourself replicating code in your triggers? Maybe using stored procedures with triggers is the answer! In this course, Triggers and Stored Procedures: A Combined Approach, you’ll gain the ability to integrate stored procedures with triggers. First, you’ll explore how to pass data from triggers into stored procedures, learning how transactions interact between the two. Next, you’ll discover how to implement audit trails within triggers, using stored procedures to handle the auditing. Finally, you’ll learn how stored procedures can be used within triggers to implement referential integrity. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of triggers and stored procedures needed to create excellent, efficient triggers integrated with world-class stored procedures.

About the author

Mike is a polyglot architect/developer who loves to mess around with data. He runs a consultancy company in the UK, helping organizations to build better systems and databases. Mike is married and has one daughter and two dogs, Dolly and Bertie. They keep his feet warm when he's working on courses and articles. Mike has written a book on SQL Server and writes regular articles for He also likes collecting old computers like the Commodore 64 and Sinclair Spectrum. No, he doe... more

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