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Building Web Applications with Open-Source Software on Windows

by Jesse Liberty

A complete guide to creating a web site with free and open source tools and frameworks.

What you'll learn

In this course you will learn to create a meaningful web application using some of the most popular open-source frameworks for the web, including Angularjs, Bootstrap, HotTowel, Breeze, ServiceStack and more. The heart of the application will be built with Angularjs, kicked off by HotTowel. Data will be managed on the server side by ServiceStack, which will provide a web service and API as well as dependency injection through an Inversion of Control container that will provide ORMLite, a light-weight Object Relational Mapper. Client side data will be managed by Breeze. Bootstrap will provide a much cleaner and more professional UI design than might otherwise be available. Together, these libraries make creating a real world web application not only possible, but relatively straightforward, even if this is your first web app. Some knowledge of C# is required, as is familiarity with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

About the author

Jesse Liberty is a senior mobile developer, specializing in .NET MAUI, git and C#. Liberty hosts the popular Yet Another Podcast and he is the author of two dozen best-selling books.He is also the author of numerous Pluralsight and LinkedIn Learning courses on everything from Angular to Xamarin. Liberty is a Certified Xamarin Developer, a Xamarin MVP and a Microsoft MVP. Jesse was a Technical Evangelist for Microsoft, Distinguished Software Engineer at AT&T; Software Architect for PBS and Vice P... more

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