6 must-read career books by women
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1. “Bossypants” by Tina Fey
There's a reason Tina Fey's bestselling book has sold over one million copies: It's funny, it's honest and it's incredibly difficult to put down. Above all, the book is exactly what you'd expect from its comedic author, with sidesplitting stories that plenty of women can relate to (cue unattainable beauty standards). While there are plenty of thoughtful moments, Fey never takes herself too seriously in the book, inadvertently reminding us to do the same. Find it here.
2. “#GIRLBOSS” by Sophia Amoruso
If you've ever taken a drab job because you were desperate for the health insurance, you'll relate to Sophia Amoruso's book. Eight years after selling vintage clothes on eBay, Amoruso founded the online fashion retail site Nasty Gal, a $100 million plus company. The tone is unapologetic and geared toward those seeking more of an off-the-beaten path to success. The author offers the kind of in-your-face advice you wish your mother would've given you years ago, but instead told you exactly the opposite – this includes statements like “You are not a special snowflake” and “Failure is your invention.” Get it here.
3. “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead” by Brene Brown
While it may not be the first title that comes to mind when you're scouring for straight-up career advice, Brene Brown's book on the importance of vulnerability holds vital advice on all the key areas of our lives. And while the author may not have intended it to be a throwback to your younger days, her inclusion of an excerpt from “The Velveteen Rabbit” will almost certainly remind you of your childhood, when you still believed anything was possible (takeaway: it still is). Pick up a copy here.
4. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking” by Susan Cain
And then there's this amazing little gem for those of us (men and women) who aren't quite as keen on taking the aggressive approach. If you identify as an introvert-and you're tired of the many irresponsible labels that go along with that-you'll find plenty of relevant information and wise words in Cain's book. You may even learn a thing or two about yourself you hadn't yet considered. Find Susan's book here.
5. “Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers” by Lois P. Frankel
Before you balk at the title, rest assured, it's not what you're thinking. Lois P. Frankel, who works as a psychotherapist, business coach and workshop facilitator for corporations around the world, doles out practical, useful advice for women looking to get ahead in their current roles. She uses examples of both successful and unsuccessful men and women to explain how certain unconscious behaviors can either harm us or help us along the path to success. The term “nice” here isn't implying that you shouldn't be upbeat and friendly in the office, but rather that you should stop bending over backward to please everyone around you. Find it here.
6. “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg
You didn't really think we'd leave this one off the list did you? Odds are high that you've already read it or, perhaps more aptly, you feel like you've read it (because let's face it, its presence has been like the “Fifty Shades” of career books). But it's worth including, if only for its relevant anecdotes on the double standards that still exist among men and women in the professional world. Love it or hate it, it's already left an undeniable impression among career women all over the planet. Grab a copy here.