Pluralsight Playlists: School's in session

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It's no secret that learning is our biggest passion, and we believe you should learn something new every day. While a lot of techies and creatives get their learning in with a daily dose of Pluralsight training, some of us are starting a new school year. Whether you're teaching the next generation of innovators or you're learning all you can in the classroom before you hit the work world, it's time to get your mind ready for the challenges ahead. Laugh, let out frustration and get excited for the year with our new School's in session Pluralsight Playlist.

Know of other jams that help get you in the mood for school? Share them with us in the comments and be sure to follow on Spotify for more Pluralsight Playlists.

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Lora Beros

Lora Beros is a Branded Content Manager at Pluralsight with a focus on IT ops. Lora is based out of our Utah office, which means she loves to eat, drink and hibernate during the winter. When she's not writing for Pluralsight shi is reading up on tech. You can find her on Twitter @lora_not_laura.