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Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible (EX407) Practice Exam

The Red Hat Certified Ansible Specialist Exam (EX407) is a practical test that covers a series of objectives pertaining to the operational use of Ansible. This Learning Activity is meant to provide students with a sample test to assist them in preparing for the official Red Hat exam. The activity covers key objectives tested in the certification exam and is designed to run for around the same time as the official certification exam. Please note this activity may take up to 4 hours to accomplish as with the official exam. *This course is not approved or sponsored by Red Hat.*

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Path Info

Clock icon Advanced
Clock icon 4h 0m
Clock icon Jan 26, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Configure Ansible to use the inventory stored in */etc/ansible/exam_inv/* by default. (perform on control1)

    • Edit /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and add the following line: inventory = /etc/ansible/exam_inv/
  2. Challenge

    Note the inventory contained in */etc/ansible/exam_inv/* does not work correctly. Diagnose and fix the issue. (perform on control1) NOTE: you should be able to fix the issues without modifying the contents of the file!

    sudo chmod u+x /etc/ansible/exam_inv/

  3. Challenge

    Create an Ansible host group in the file */etc/ansible/exam_inv/group* called *testservers* that only contains *node2*. (perform on control1)

    Create a file named /etc/ansible/exam_inv/group with the following content:

  4. Challenge

    Increase the default timeout to 60 seconds by default for Ansible. (perform on control1)

    Edit the Ansible configuration file:

    vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

    Add the following line:

    timeout = 60
  5. Challenge

    Configure Ansible to run 10 threads by default. (perform on control1)

    Edit /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and add the following line:

    forks  = 10
  6. Challenge

    Edit the file */home/ansible/exam/* and fix the syntax errors within the file. Note: use the comments as hints

    The contents of should be as follows: #!/bin/sh ## This script should run without error completing the documented tasks before completing the exam.

    # Create the user john on labservers
    ansible labservers -b -m user -a "name=john"
    # Copy the file demo to /home/ansible/demo on node1
    ansible node1 -m copy -a "src=/home/ansible/files/demo dest=/home/ansible/demo"
    # Install elinks on labservers
    ansible labservers -b -m yum -a "name=elinks state=latest"
  7. Challenge

    Create an encrypted vault file containing the text "secret: bluebird" and stored it in the file */home/ansible/exam/secure* on the ansible control node *control1*. Make a note of the password used so you may access the file contents later.

    • Create the a simple text filled called /home/ansible/exam/secure with the following contents:

        secret: bluebird
    • Run ansible-vault encrypt /home/ansible/exam/secure providing a password you keep noted.

  8. Challenge

    Create and run a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/security.yml* on *control1* that uses the previously created vault */home/ansible/exam/secure*. The playbook will print the value of "secret" in a file called */mnt/classified* on localhost *control1*.

    Create a playbook with the following contents:

    - hosts: localhost
        - /home/ansible/exam/secure
      become: yes
        - name: create classified directory
            state: touch
            name: /mnt/classified
        - name: insert secret text into file
            path: /mnt/classified
            line: "{{ secret }}
  9. Challenge

    Edit the shell script in */home/ansible/exam/* on the Ansible control node *control1* and add Ansible `ad-hoc` commands that will complete the tasks described in the file contents.

    Edit the file /home/ansible/exam/ to contain the following: #!/bin/sh

    ## Write Ansible ad-hoc commands below
    # Create new file called /opt/
    # Set owner of the file to ansible
    # Set mode to 0755
    ansible localhost -b -m file -a 'state=touch name=/opt/ mode=0755 owner=ansible'
    # Add content to the file:
    # #!/bin/sh
    # echo hi there
    ansible -b localhost -m lineinfile -a 'line="#!/bin/sh\necho hi there" path=/opt/'
  10. Challenge

    Create a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/fact.yml* on *control1* that prints the following information "specific to each host" in */var/www/html/facts.htm* for each of the servers in the web group: <DISTRIBUTION>: <HOST_IPV4_ADDR> <MAC_ADDR>

    Note: this solution assumes httpd is installed (this will be done in a later task). The file output will resemble the following:

    CentOS: 02:7c:ef:0a:2b:4c

    Create a file called /home/ansible/exam/facts.yml and add the following contents to it:

    - hosts: web
      become: yes
        - name: create file
            state: touch
            name: /var/www/html/facts.htm
        - name: add line to file containing facts
            path: /var/www/html/facts.htm
            line: "{{ ansible_distribution }}: {{ ansible_default_ipv4['address'] }} {{ ansible_default_ipv4['macaddress'] }} "
  11. Challenge

    Create a role in */home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer* on *control1* that installs the package *httpd*, starts the service, and enables the service on boot. The role should have a handler called "restart httpd" that restarts the httpd service as well.

    • Run ansible-galaxy init /home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer to create a frame for the role.

    • Edit /home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer/tasks/main.yml to contain the following:

       # tasks file for /home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer
       - yum:
           state: latest
           name: httpd
       - service:
           name: httpd
           state: started
           enabled: yes
    • Edit /home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer/handlers/main.yml to contain the following:

       # handlers file for /home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer
       - name: restart httpd
           name: httpd
           state: restarted
         listen: restart httpd
  12. Challenge

    Create a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/webserver.yml* on *control1* that applies the *httpdServer* role to the *web* group. It should also complete the task noted in the description (click the "?" icon next to the task).

    • Deploy a file to /var/www/html/index.html containing the hostname of the host where it is deployed.
    • Change LogLevel to error in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
    • Restart httpd only on httpd.conf file change.


    Create a file called /home/ansible/exam/webserver.yml containing the following:

    	- hosts: web
    	  become: yes
    	    - /home/ansible/exam/roles/httpdServer
    	    - name: create index file with hostname
    	        content: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
    	        dest: /var/www/html/index.html
    	    - name: update log level
    	        path: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    	        regexp: "LogLevel.*$"
    	        replace: "LogLevel error"
    	      notify: "restart httpd"
  13. Challenge

    Create a playbook in /home/ansible/exam/install_role.yml that installs a role of your choosing using ansible-galaxy to /home/ansible/exam/roles/ on the ansible control host

    Create a file called /home/ansible/exam/install_role.yml containing similar content (actual role used my vary):

    - hosts: localhost
        - name: install role
          shell: "ansible-galaxy -p /home/ansible/exam/roles/ install MindPointGroup.RHEL7-STIG"
  14. Challenge

    View the file ** from *control1*. Create a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/users.yml* that follows the instructions provided in the file.

    Create the file /home/ansible/exam/users.yml containing the following:

    - hosts: localhost
      - name: download user_list.yml
          dest: /home/ansible/files/user_list.yml
    - hosts: node1
      become: yes
        - /home/ansible/files/user_list.yml
      - name: create groups from file
          name: "{{ item }}"
          - "{{ user_groups }}"
      - name: create users for each group in staff
          name: "{{ item }}"
          group: staff
          - "{{ staff }}"
      - name: create users for each group in students
          name: "{{ item }}"
          group: students
          - "{{ students }}"
      - name: create users for each group in faculty
          name: "{{ item }}"
          group: faculty
          - "{{ faculty }}"
  15. Challenge

    Create a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/unarchive.yml* that downloads ** and unarchives the tarball into */mnt/* on the Ansible control node.

    Create a file called /home/ansible/exam/unarchive.yml that contains the following text:

    - hosts: localhost
      become: yes
      - name: download files.tgz
          dest: /mnt/files.tgz
      - name: unarchive files.tgz
          src: /mnt/files.tgz
          dest: /mnt/
  16. Challenge

    Create a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/make_secret.yml* that tries to create a file in */mnt/secret* on *control1* using a block group: don't create a directory. If the task fails, the message "Unable to create secret file" should be output in STDOUT.

    Create a file called /home/ansible/exam/make_secret.yml containing the following text:

    - hosts: localhost
      become: yes
      - name: create file
          - file:
              name: /mnt/secret/newfile
              state: touch
          - name: output error message
              msg: "Unable to create secret file"
  17. Challenge

    Create a playbook in */home/ansible/exam/break.yml* on *control1* that tries to install a package called *fluffy* on *node2*. The playbook continues running if the package install fails and will output the message "Attempted fluffy install!" in STDOUT.

    Create a file called /home/ansible/exam/break.yml that contains the following text:

    - hosts: node2
      become: yes
      ignore_errors: yes
      - name: install fluffy
          name: fluffy
          state: latest
      - debug:
          msg: "Attempted fluffy install!"

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