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2021 State Of Upskilling

Sep 25, 2024 • 3 Minute Read

Following up on last year’s State of upskilling report, Pluralsight surveyed more than 600 technology executives and practitioners across generations and seven countries to understand the needs and expectations around upskilling today. This report reveals the importance of skill agility during the pandemic and into the post-pandemic world while the results highlight key ways to invest in skill agility to future proof organizations.

COVID-19 forced organizations worldwide to quickly pivot: shift to remote work, redefine how to serve customers and reprioritize company objectives. It exacerbated skills gaps and amplified challenges organizations were already facing. All of this uncovered the critical need for skill agility—the ability to quickly learn and apply new skills—during the pandemic, but more importantly, into the post-pandemic world.

Key findings from the study include:

  • Prioritizing opportunities to professionally grow technologists

  • Establishing relevant upskilling resources  

  • Providing technologists and lower-level managers hands-on opportunities to practice new skills