Improve your LinkedIn profile with Pluralsight courses
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Here’s an idea I’ve seen from some Pluralsight subscribers: List the courses you’ve taken directly on your LinkedIn profile. In this post we'll focus on the best way to do this, but you can also apply the idea to other personal marketing mediums including your resume, cover letter, website, page, github and Stack Overflow profiles.
First, you might be asking why you'd want to do this. You may be worried that it seems pompous, or like information overload. But I’ve learned that if we don’t tell people who we are, and how they should see us, then they take whatever information they can find and perceive who we are based on that. This perception becomes our personal brand. Why not, instead, guide them in how we want to be perceived?
Putting courses you've completed on your LinkedIn profile communicates various messages, including the following:
- That you care about furthering your education, and you willingly invest your time and money in improving your value as an IT professional.
- You have a certain level of training, which implies that you won’t come into a new company or project needing much training.
- You understand that your professional skills need to be updated, and you take the initiative to do it.
- You are willing to learn from others, and expand the breadth and depth of your knowledge and skills.
- As a bonus, listing the names of courses, along with what you've learned, can improve the SEO of your LinkedIn profile. The more you mention the names of languages, protocols, acronyms and methodologies, the more likely you are to show up (higher) for those words or phrases.