Prep for Father’s Day: Geeky ways to celebrate with dad
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Get ready for Father's Day on Sunday, June 21st with these celebratory ideas:
Prepare a feast fit for a king
Go ahead, feel free to use Father's Day as yet another excuse to get your “Game of Thrones” fix, we promise dad won't mind at all, because you'll also be preparing him a feast fit for the likes of George RR Martin himself. Sure, it may sound a little intimidating. And, yes, you spend so much time coding your days away at this point that you've likely forgotten the inner-workings of a kitchen-but that's why quirky cookbooks like "A Feast of Ice and Fire" exist. Pick out a few dishes you know dad will love and head to the market. If your gourmand adventure begins to smell like burnt toast, either consult your mom or chalk it up to those pesky dragons. While you're waiting for the pizza delivery person to arrive, you can play a lovely round of "Who would you sacrifice to the Red God to become king?"
Join forces with your father
Father's Day should most certainly be a time to relax, but if your dad is as much of a geek as we think (and we're guessing he is if you're still reading this), he likely has a very different idea of what it means to unplug. And that idea most likely involves joining forces with his family to do absolutely anything "Star Wars"-related. Skip the movie marathon and instead head straight for the Lego Store. Once you've located dad's favorite star fighter, get ready for an entire evening of trying-to-figure-out-where-each-and-every-itty-bitty-block-goes. Make it even more memorable by streaming the movies in the background while you reminisce about how long it's been since you and dad were both surrounded by a massive pile of Legos, and how much better it is now that you're both drinking age.
Take family game night to the next level
Scrabble and Monopoly are great and all, but let's be real: They're not enough to make anybody's day extraordinary. What you really need are some serious tabletop games to host the best family fun night dear-old-dad has ever known. Lucky for you, we've already rounded up a whole slew of top-notch tabletops, so now all you have to do is give each one a quick run-through to see which will best suit dad's gaming-style.
Plan a marathon together
Relax, this is not the kind of marathon that involves training or side-by-side sweating while you're desperately trying to understand each other through winded bursts of conversation. Though, with the "X-Files," you'll likely still experience many of these symptoms. As you've almost certainly heard by now, the once popular sci-fi show is about to make a major comeback, and what better way to prepare than by binge-watching the old episodes with the man who helped make you the geek you are today? Remember: The truth is out there, and it's on Netflix streaming.
Whatever you decide to do to honor dad, just be sure to spend a little quality time doing whatever it is - no matter how nerdy - the two of you love. Happy Father's Day!