Video: Turn Scary Monster Image Requests into Nice Sprites

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One of the easiest ways to pump up the performance of your website is to reduce the number of calls the browser makes for resources such as JavaScript and images.  In this video excerpt from Robert Boedigheimer's new course A Web Developer's Guide to Images you'll see how to use package up your images for online conversion to sprites using the utility.  In the full course Robert also covers various image formats commonly used with web sites, using jQuery plug-ins, and using content delivery networks.


Robert Boedigheimer works for Schwans Shared Services, LLC providing business solutions with web technologies and leads Robert Boedigheimer Consulting, LLC. Robert has been designing and developing web sites for the past 15 years including the early days of ASP and ASP.NET. He is a columnist for, an ASP.NET MVP, an author, and a MCPD: ASP.NET 3.5. Robert has spoken at industry conferences including the Heartland Developers Conference, DevLink, DevTeach, Tulsa Tech Fest, DevWeek, DevReach, SDC, TechEd, DevConnections, AJAXWorld, and numerous national and international events.

You can watch the full HD version of this video along with the other 7 hr 36 min of video found in this professional course by subscribing to Pluralsight. Visit A Web Developer's Guide to Images to view the full course outline. Pluralsight subscribers also benefit from cool features like mobile appsfull library searchprogress trackingexercise files,assessments, and offline viewing. Happy learning!

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Paul Ballard

Paul Ballard is a Chief Architect specializing in large scale distributed system development and enterprise software processes. Paul has more than twenty years of development experience including being a former Microsoft MVP, a speaker at technical conferences such as Microsoft Tech-Ed and VSLive, and a published author. Prior to working on the Windows platform, he built software using a vast array of technologies including Java, Unix, C, and even OS/2.