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Elasticsearch with Ruby on Rails

Elasticsearch (ES) is a powerful Full Text Search Engine. With Elasticsearch Rails you can easily scale horizontally for the purpose of redundancy or performance. Learn some Elasticsearch with Ruby on Rails today!

Sep 6, 2019 • 17 Minute Read


Elasticsearch (ES) is a powerful Full Text Search Engine based on Apache Lucene. A key characteristic of Elasticsearch is that it’s distributed at it's core, meaning that you can easily scale it horizontally for the purpose of redundancy or performance. Elasticsearch can also be used as data store engine, but it has some disadvantages:

  • Security - Elasticsearch does not provide any internal security or access control system. The only way to protect ES from external access is with a firewall.
  • Computation – There is limited support for advanced computation on the database side.
  • Data Availability – Data in Elasticsearch is available in "near real time", - meaning that if you submit a comment to a post and refresh the page, it might not show up as the index is still updating.
  • Durability – ES is distributed and relatively stable, but backups are not as high priority as in other data store solutions. This is an important consideration when Elasticsearch is your primary data store.

For the purpose of this tutorial we’ll cover some of the Elasticsearch basis, so you can later understand what’s happening behind the scenes. To fully grasp how it works and how to use its API, take a look at the Elasticsearch Documentation.

ES is document oriented; it stores its entire objects inside documents. It also indexes these documents to make them searchable. A document belongs to a type and a type belongs to an index. You can draw some parallels to how a traditional relational database is structured:

      Relational DB  ⇒ Databases ⇒ Tables ⇒ Rows      ⇒ Columns
Elasticsearch  ⇒ Indices   ⇒ Types  ⇒ Documents ⇒ Fields

Each ES Index can be split into multiple pieces called shards. This is done if, for example, your required storage volume exceeds the abilities of a single node (server), or could be used to parallelize operations across shards to increase the performance of your ES cluster.

Note that the number of primary shards is fixed the moment an index is created. This effectively defines the maximum amount of data stored in your index, as each node is limited by the amount of CPU, RAM and I/Os it can have to fit at least one shard. You can only change the amount of replica shards after the index has been created, though that only affects the throughput of your cluster and not the actual data storage capabilities. You can read more about that on Elasticsearch Scale Horizontally.

It’s important to understand these basic concepts, as we will configure some of them later in this post.

Making a model searchable

I've provided an example app using Ruby on Rails, which can be found on my GitHub itay-grudev/es-tuturial. Take a look at it and you’ll notice that it contains an entire app with search, highlighting of matches and search suggestions based on the term suggester.

The official elasticsearch gem for Ruby contains the most important libraries for using Elasticsearch with Ruby. But we’ll use the elasticsearch-model gem, which is built on top of the elasticsearch gem and contains all the tools to make a model searchable.

To get started, make sure you add the gem to your Gemfile:

      gem 'elasticsearch-model'

Settings and indexing

Let's assume that we have a model called Article with two columns, title and body of types string and text, correspondingly.

The first thing we need to do is include the Elasticsearch::Model functionality inside our model. Additionally, the Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks ensures that Elasticsearch indexes are updated when a record is created or updated.

      class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Elasticsearch::Model
  include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks

  index_name Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore

Note the index_name and document_type calls. (I prefer to have an index_name with the name of my application and document type named after my model.) To set up the document type we need to specify to ES how we want to index our data.

      settings index: { number_of_shards: 1 } do
  mapping dynamic: false do
    indexes :title, analyzer: 'english'
    indexes :body, analyzer: 'english'

Notice the number_of_shards setting I’m using. I've set it to 1 since I was only using a single machine and a very small amount of data (< 100MB). But if you have a very high amount of data or would like to increase the performance of ES, increase the number of primary shards. Since both fields will contain text written in English I’m using the english analyzer. Elasticsearch has a wide set of Analyzers including Language Analyzers. Depending on the data stored within a field, a different analyzer may give better results. For example, a keyword analyzer is useful for data like zip codes and ids, among other things.

You can also specify the type of the field as basic types, such as an integer requiring much simpler indexing methods. So, assuming that you have a field status, which can only take the values of [0, 1, 2, 3] indicating whether the article is a draft, private, unlisted or public, you’ll specify it like this:

      indexes :status, type: :byte

Or in the case of an author id in a column called user_id you will do this:

      indexes :user_id, type: :integer

Elasticsearch also supports complex types as Arrays, Objects or Nested, which is an array of objects. There is support for geographic coordinates and IP addresses, among other things. Take a look at the full set of Types Elasticsearch supports when setting up your index.

If your model also has additional fields that you don't need to store/index on ES, you could save space by overriding the default as_indexed_json method and choose which fields are included in the JSON representation of a record that is sent to ES.

      def as_indexed_json(options = nil)
  self.as_json( only: [ :title, :body ] )

Additionally, if you’d like to index an aggregate field or otherwise a virtual field (one that is not stored on your database). you could do this:

      def as_indexed_json(options = nil)
  self.as_json( only: [ :title, :body ], methods: :method_name )

This is where :method_name is either a symbol or an array of symbols corresponding to method names in your model. It’s useful if, for example, your page body is stored in a format as Markdown. You can have a method that renders Markdown as plain text and then send that plain text to Elasticsearch.

Note that your document can have more fields than those specified in your settings block, but they won't be indexed.

Implementing the method

The final and most complex addition to your model is the method that will spawn requests to Elasticsearch. It’s the hardest method to write, as you’ll need to have some knowledge of the Elasticsearch Query DSL.

What I’m about to show you is universal to most projects, but if the functionality you need isn’t covered here, check out the Elasticsearch Query DSL.

You’ll notice that queries to ES are written in JSON. In Ruby, JSON is easily represented with a Hash, so we’ll use a method that will call the Elasticsearch cluster and send it our query written as a Ruby Hash. For the sake of brevity, I’ll show how the method looks and will describe each section in a separate code block.

     query: {
        multi_match: {
          query: query,
          fields: ['title^5', 'body']
      # more blocks will go IN HERE. Keep reading!

We spawn a Multi Match query to ES with the search term as the first argument of the class method and we specify which fields we’re running this query on. Additionally, we’re specifying the weight of matches inside each field. In the example, the title field is five times as important as the body field. There are several types of Multi Match queries, specified by the type parameter. Here are the possible options:

Type ParameterDescription
best_fields(default) Finds documents which match any field, but uses the _score from the best field.
most_fieldsFinds documents which match any field and combines the _score from each field.
cross_fieldsTreats fields with the same analyzer as though they were one big field. Looks for each word in any field.
phraseRuns a match_phrase query on each field and combines the _score from each field.
phrase_prefixRuns a match_phrase query on each field and combines the _score from each field.

For more details on each option see Elasticsearch Multi Match Query.

The next section I’ll add is for highlighting the matched keywords inside the text. We want to match both fields, title and body, and encapsulate them in a <mark> tag.

      highlight: {
  pre_tags: ['<mark>'],
  post_tags: ['</mark>'],
  fields: {
    title: {},
    body: {},

The next thing I’d like to set up is the term suggester, so if the user misspelled a given keyword, ES would propose recommendation for improving the search term.

      suggest: {
  text: query,
  title: {
    term: {
      size: 1,
      field: :title
  body: {
    term: {
      size: 1,
      field: :body

This enables search term suggestions based on both the title and body fields with a Hamming Distance of up to 1 (you can change that). You can read more about the Elasticsearch Term Suggester or take a look at the other Elasticsearch Suggesters. For example, there’s a Completion Suggester for auto complete functionality.

Let’s go back to the scenario in which we had a status field of type integer taking the values of [0, 1, 2, 3] indicating whether the article is a draft, private, unlisted or public. Assuming that status == 3 means that an article is public, we might want to specify a filter in our search to only show public articles.

      filter: {
  terms: {
    status: [ 4 ]

And that sums it up for the model. Now, let’s head to the visualization of the data returned from ES.

Setting up Controllers and Views

Thanks to the neat search method in the model the controller will simply look like this; where the if statement is there only to ensure the controller doesn't fail if the search form is submitted empty.

      class SearchController < ApplicationController

  def search
    unless params[:query].blank?
      @results = params[:query] )


Because the method returns a result of type Elasticsearch::Model::Response instead of ActiveRecord::Relation, but they are similar and somewhat compatible, with a little bit of tricky handling you can make your view support both. This is useful if you’d like to have your search page work with ActiveRecord queries as well, without having to use another view.

Assuming that the results from Elasticsearch/ActiveRecord are stored in the @results variable, you’ll always need to run @results.respond_to? :es_method and verify that the ES method exists before you call it. This is how you’ll maintain compatibility with ActiveRecord.

      - @results.each do |page|
    h3 = page.title
    - if page.respond_to? :highlight
      p = raw page.highlight.body.to_a.join(' ')
    - else
      p = raw truncate(page.body, length: 300)

To show the suggestions proposed by ES I use a helper method to aggregate suggestions and build a new string, based on every suggestion with rating above 0.65. This is how my helper looks:

      def autosuggest_aggregate(response, fields, query)
  # Stores unique words and their autocorrect suggestions
  words = { }

  # Iterate over fields
  fields.each do |field|
    # Iterate over query words
    response.send(field).to_a.each do |word|
      # If any options are available
      if word.options.length > 0
        # Append word if it doesn't already exist
        new_word = false
        unless words.include? word.text
          words[word.text] = { text: '', score: nil, freq: nil }
          new_word = true
        word.options.each do |option|
          if new_word or words[word.text][:score] * words[word.text][:freq] < option[:score] * option[:freq]
            words[word.text][:text] = option[:text]
            words[word.text][:score] = option[:score]
            words[word.text][:freq] = option[:freq]

  new_query = query.dup

  # Generate a new string based on the high score suggestions
  words.each do |word, suggestion|
    if suggestion[:score] > 0.65
      new_query[word] = suggestion[:text]

  # Return the new query or false if there were no modifications
  return new_query unless new_query == query

Once you have this, the term suggestions in your view would simply look like this:

      - if @results.respond_to? :response and (suggestion = autosuggest_aggregate(@results.response.suggest, [:title, :body], params[:query]))
    | Search instead for:
    = link_to suggestion, search_path( query: suggestion )

A little homework

I've prepared a simple [demo application][es-tuturial] that demonstrates Elastic Search integration with Ruby on Rails. You can take a look at how I implemented it, or try to tweak it into doing more advanced things. To get it running: install all gems, create the database (SQLite 3), run an elasticsearch instance in the background and seed the Application with the provided Wikipedia articles within the /db/seed/ directory.

      bundle install
rake db:migrate
elasticsearch >/dev/null </dev/null &
rake db:seed

After you've got it running go to localhost:3000 and try searching for ruby or language. Also try combinations of words to see how different articles are sorted: ruby gem or ruby gemstone.

Now search for gem and try changing the Multi Match Query Type Parameter to phrase_prefix to see what will change.

If you still think this is exciting, how about going through the Elasticsearch Query DSL. Be amazed and experiment!

About the author

Itay Grudev is a student currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Physics at the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.

Itay is mostly interested in Linux, Security, Electronics and Amateur Radio. He loves Open Source and Free Software. He is a talented developer and one of those people spending time to change your i++ to ++i, crazy about efficiency and beautiful code. His favorite technologies are C++, Qt and Ruby on Rails.