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Dynamically Change State-Bound Content on Successful API Call in React

In this guide, we'll look at how to update the rendered content of a component dynamically from data fetched from a third-party API.

Sep 24, 2020 • 9 Minute Read


Elements of the rendered content of a React component can be bound against properties of the component's state. Whenever we update the values of state, we automatically update the content that references its attributes. In this guide, we'll take a look at how to update the rendered content of a component dynamically from data fetched from a third-party API.

The process is as follows:

  1. Establish an object data within the component's state
  2. Establish the content to be rendered with sections referencing attributes in data
  3. Create an event handler that fetches data from an API
  4. On success of the API call, update the component's state

We'll be using jQuery as our library to make an HTTP request against an API endpoint.


For this example, we will fetchthe latest Bitcoin price from CoinDesk's public API. Our content will include the price of USD, GBP, and EUR against BTC (Bitcoin). The JSON structure of the data returned by the API endpoint will be as follows:

  time: {
    updated: "Sep 16, 2020 18:43:00 UTC",
    updatedISO: "2020-09-16T18:43:00+00:00",
    updateduk: "Sep 16, 2020 at 19:43 BST"
  disclaimer: "This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data converted using hourly conversion rate from",
  chartName: "Bitcoin",
  bpi: {
    USD: {
      code: "USD",
      symbol: "$",
      rate: "11,091.2212",
      description: "United States Dollar",
      rate_float: 11091.2212
    GBP: {
      code: "GBP",
      symbol: "£",
      rate: "8,436.3156",
      description: "British Pound Sterling",
      rate_float: 8436.3156
    EUR: {
      code: "EUR",
      symbol: "€",
      rate: "9,395.0075",
      description: "Euro",
      rate_float: 9395.0075

Setting the State

Call your component BTCPrice. Within its constructor, set the value of an attribute data to have the same structure as the expected return value of the API endpoint.

      import React from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';

export default class BTCPrice extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      data: {
        time: {
          updated: "",
          updatedISO: "",
          updateduk: ""
        disclaimer: "This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data converted using hourly conversion rate from",
        chartName: "Bitcoin",
        bpi: {
          USD: {
            code: "USD",
            symbol: "$",
            rate: "",
            description: "United States Dollar",
            rate_float: 0
          GBP: {
            code: "GBP",
            symbol: "£",
            rate: "",
            description: "British Pound Sterling",
            rate_float: 0
          EUR: {
            code: "EUR",
            symbol: "€",
            rate: "",
            description: "Euro",
            rate_float: 0

Setting the Rendered Content

The component will render content that references attributes in data, which can be referenced in turn from the component's state. Copy the render() function below and paste it within your component.

      render() {
  return (
        How Much is 1 BTC?

      <h2>USD: {}</h2>
      <h2>GBP: {}</h2>
      <h2>EUR: {}</h2>

        Fetch Latest

Notice how we position the currency's rates within the different HTML dom elements. Think of it as a template wherein the references of data attributes are placeholders for values that may change whenever the state of the component is updated. We say that these pieces are bound to the state. In this case, the attribute values of data that we will be referencing represent the three different currencies and their rates against Bitcoin, namely:

  1. for USD
  2. for GBP
  3. for EUR

We also reference the data.time.updated value at the top to indicate the timestamp for when these prices were taken.

Fetching Data from an API

We'll now create our event handler function, which contains logic to make an AJAX request against CoinDesk's API. To do this, copy the following function and paste it within your component.

      fetch() {
  var context = this;

    url: '',
    method: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(response) {
        data: response

Updating State on Success

There are two key ideas in this function's implementation. First, you create a temporary variable called context that points to this referring to the instance of this component. This is needed so that upon a successful AJAX call given by the function(response) passed to jQuery's AJAX call's success property, you can invoke the setState({ data: response }) call from context. Without context, this within function(response) will refer to the calling function and not the instance of the component. Second, you have to set the dataType property to json since we're expecting response to represent a json object returned by the API endpoint.

Once setState() is called, the component will re-render the content with all of the state's updated values.

Binding to a Button

The fetch() method of the component will be triggered every time the user clicks the button. Update the button in HTML within the render() method of the component and bind the fetch() method on the button's onClick attribute.

      <button onClick={this.fetch.bind(this)}>
  Fetch Latest

Include the .bind(this) function to retain the value of this when it is used within fetch(), that is, a reference to the instance of the component.

Overall Code

      import React from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';

export default class BTCPrice extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      data: {
        time: {
          updated: "",
          updatedISO: "",
          updateduk: ""
        disclaimer: "",
        chartName: "",
        bpi: {
          USD: {
            code: "USD",
            symbol: "&#36;",
            rate: "",
            description: "United States Dollar",
            rate_float: 0
          GBP: {
            code: "GBP",
            symbol: "&pound;",
            rate: "",
            description: "British Pound Sterling",
            rate_float: 0
          EUR: {
            code: "EUR",
            symbol: "&euro;",
            rate: "",
            description: "Euro",
            rate_float: 0

  fetch() {
    var context = this;

      url: '',
      method: 'GET',
      dataType: 'json',
      success: function(response) {
          data: response

  render() {
    return (
          How Much is 1 BTC?

        <h2>USD: {}</h2>
        <h2>GBP: {}</h2>
        <h2>EUR: {}</h2>

          Fetch Latest

After a user clicks the button, an AJAX call will fetch the data from CoinDesk's API. On success of the call, the component will invoke its setState() method, causing it to re-render the content with updated values.


You now have the necessary facilities to perform dynamic updating of a component's rendered content. The practice is to maintain a state object within the component. Values from the state object can be referenced in the rendered content. Once an event occurs in any part of the component, the succeeding logical process will be to update any values within the state if needed. An update in the state will cause a re-rendering of the content with all the updated values without needing a refresh to the page or manually target DOM elements and update its inner content.

Raphael Alampay

Raphael A.

Raphael Alampay is the co-founder of Cloudband Solutions Co., a software development and consultancy company that caters to custom based software for SME around the globe. Using time and tested technology such as Java, Ruby on Rails, Python, PostgreSQL and Linux, he has a passion for creating applications that solve real world problems making businesses more efficient and innovative at the same time. His craft in software is largely based on the philosophy of "kaizen" which means continuous improvement; that any piece of software is meant to be continuously improved over time. Aside from software development, Raphael also teaches computer science in universities and corporate entities largely in the field of programming and machine learning. He currently holds a master's degree in Computer Science and is working on his PhD in Computer Science as well. If not programming or teaching, Raphael enjoys playing the piano and guitar in his spare time.

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