Smartphones & security: How to keep enterprise data safe in 2016

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Cyber attacks flooded headlines in 2015. While the attention on these hacks caused companies to take a second look at their own security procedures and possible vulnerabilities, it doesn't mean companies are in the clear. Hackers will continue to find new ways to expose and steal data--with mobile becoming a major target in 2016.

If your organization is a fan of BYOD or your users can access company data from their personal devices (hint: they probably can and probably do), then it's time to sharpen your mobile security strategy. Need to get buy-in to increase your organization's mobile security policy? These numbers don't lie.

Smartphone security infographic

Help your tech team step up their security game and learn more with our series on Ethical Hacking.

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Dale Meredith

Dale Meredith is a high-demand contract Microsoft Certified Trainer and project consultant. Along with his 17 years of experience as an MCT, Dale also has an additional 7 years of senior IT Management experience. Dale worked as a CTO for a popular ISP provider and a Senior Manager for a national hardware supplier. His technology specialties include Active Directory, Exchange, Server, IIS, PowerShell, SharePoint, System Center/Desktop Deployment, and Private Cloud. Dale's wide network of IT contacts stay connected through his popular blog site at