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Accessibility: Testing and Screen Reader Use

by Gerard K. Cohen

This course will teach you different techniques to efficiently and thoroughly test your websites for accessibility, using a combination of testing tools and various assistive technologies like screen readers.

What you'll learn

Testing for accessibility should be embedded into your daily workflow. In this course, Accessibility: Testing and Screen Reader Use, you’ll learn to test web sites for accessibility. First, you’ll explore simple techniques to test for the most common accessibility issues. Next, you’ll discover tools you can build into your daily workflow to prevent introducing new issues. Finally, you’ll learn how to test using assistive technologies like screen readers. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of testing techniques needed to ensure your websites are inclusive and accessible.

About the author

Gerard lives near Sacramento with his wife, and when he is not sleeping or drinking Zombies at tiki bars, he helps raise awareness by speaking at Front End and Accessibility conferences around the country. He is also a member of the W3C Web Platform Work Group and contributor to the ARIA Authoring Practices.

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