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AngularJS with TypeScript

This course focuses on the basics of building an Angular application with TypeScript.

Deborah Kurata - Pluralsight course - AngularJS with TypeScript
by Deborah Kurata

What you'll learn

Angular is GREAT for building client-side applications for the Web. But since Angular code is developed using JavaScript, Angular has all of the issues that come with coding in JavaScript: no strong data typing, global namespace issues, and lack of class-based object-oriented programming techniques. TypeScript solves these issues and makes it easier to build, refactor, and maintain your Angular applications! This course focuses on the basics of building an Angular application with TypeScript.

Table of contents

About the author

Deborah Kurata - Pluralsight course - AngularJS with TypeScript
Deborah Kurata

Deborah Kurata is a software developer, consultant, Pluralsight author, Google Developer Expert (GDE), and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Follow her on twitter: @deborahkurata

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