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Quick Guide to API Testing with HP's Unified Functional Testing

This course will help you quickly come up to speed with general API concepts using HP's Unified Functional API Testing.

Joe Colantonio - Pluralsight course - Quick Guide to API Testing with HP's Unified Functional Testing
by Joe Colantonio

What you'll learn

Today's automation engineer needs to burrow deeper underneath the GUI to the API level. Because of this, HP has released a new version of its test tool, called Unified Functional Testing (UFT), and it includes a new test type called API testing (formerly known as Service Test). In this course, Quick Guide to API Testing with HP's Unified Functional Testing, you'll get a "hands-on" look at some of the core concepts you need to know. You'll start with an overview of Web and REST services and how to easily create tests and validate responses. Next, you'll cover most of the UFT API helper activities that allow you to enhance your API tests for even more functionality. You'll also get to see creating custom UFT API code using C#, as well as integrating GUI and API testing into one IDE. By the end of this course, you should have a solid understanding of getting running with UFT API and API concepts in general.

Table of contents

About the author

Joe Colantonio - Pluralsight course - Quick Guide to API Testing with HP's Unified Functional Testing
Joe Colantonio

Joe is currently a test automation architect for a large Fortune 100 company. He is also the founder of this blog, JoeColantonio.com and the podcast, TestTalks.com where his focus is on helping people and organizations succeed with automation awesomeness.

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