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Applying Feedback Sharing Techniques Effectively

This course will teach you how to pick the right feedback giving technique depending on the aim, situation, project set up, organizational rules, culture, and resources available. Then, it will give you the guidelines to implement it step-by-step.

Aleksandra Majkic - Pluralsight course - Applying Feedback Sharing Techniques Effectively
by Aleksandra Majkic

What you'll learn

As a business professional, it's very beneficial that you have the know-how in the feedback giving field for successful communication and growth with your peers. In this course, Applying Feedback Sharing Techniques Effectively, you’ll learn to pick the appropriate feedback giving technique from a pool of proven tactics and implement it step-by-step. First, you’ll explore the purpose of feedback among people in an organization and how it can foster growth. Next, you’ll discover which steps there are to be taken in order to analyze the situation and choose the technique to apply and prepare for it. Finally, you’ll learn how to implement each of the selected techniques and steps to take after the feedback sharing session is over. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of effective feedback sharing in your daily work needed to enable a prosperous working environment, foster personal and organizational growth, and communicate openly with others.

Table of contents

About the author

Aleksandra Majkic - Pluralsight course - Applying Feedback Sharing Techniques Effectively
Aleksandra Majkic

Aleksandra has more than a decade long experience in IT business development. Her main expertise lies in communications, key accounting, team leadership, and customer engagement.

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