Skills Expanded
Artists Guide to XSI 6
In this course, we will learn how use the powerful tools and solutions available within XSI to deliver inspiring imagery. Software required: XSI 6.0 and up.
What you'll learn
In this course, we will learn how use the powerful tools and solutions available within XSI to deliver inspiring imagery. Software required: XSI 6.0 and up.
Table of contents
Introduction and Project Overview
Artists Guide to XSI 6
- Exploring the Process of Creating and Managing Projects Using the Project Manager 4m
- Overview of Different Interaction Models and Customizing the Way That You Move XSI Camera 6m
- Getting Comfortable with Viewport Navigation Tools 10m
- Looking at Transform Tools to Manipulate and Move the Characters in 3D Space 7m
- Exploring the Various Ways of Adjusting the Center Point of the Geometry in XSI 5m
- Accessing and Manipulating the Various Types of Components That Can Be Found on XSI's Geometry 7m
- Getting Familiar with the Different Types of Explorer Panels 6m
- Working with the Operator Stack 7m
- Using the Keyboard Mapping to Customize Any of XSI's Keyboard Shortcuts 4m
- Exploring Various Methods of Extruding Polygon Geometry 7m
- Continuing the Process of Extruding and Manipulating Polygon Components 5m
- How to Extrude Polygons Along a Curve and Welding Points on Polygon Meshes 8m
- Exploring Subdivision Surfaces in XSI 6m
- Using the Tweak Component Tool and Looking at Subdivision Edge Creasing 13m
- Assigning Materials and Textures to the Geometry 8m
- Getting Familiar with Assigning and Manipulating UVs 9m
- Healing and Tearing UV Islands in the Texture Editor 10m
- Using the Render Tree to Create Complex Shading Networks 9m
- Using the Material Manager to Control Multiple Materials Across Multiple Objects 5m
- Enveloping Your XSI Characters Onto a Skeleton 8m
- Exploring the Various Ways of Adding and Manipulating Keyframes 5m
- Construction Modes Overview: The Modeling Construction Mode 5m
- Construction Modes Overview: Shape Modeling Mode 6m
- Construction Modes Overview: Secondary Shape Mode 3m
- Tagging Character Rigs for Use in Motor 10m
- Preparing Motion Capture Data for Use in Motor 8m
- Assigning Motion Capture Data to XSI Characters Using Motor 7m
- Adjusting Motion Capture Data Once It's Been Applied to the Character 7m
- Using the Animation Mixer to Loop, Stretch, and Alter Keyframe Animation 8m
- Using Crosswalk to Import and Export Assets Between Separate 3D Applications 3m
- Using the Animation Layers to Layer New Animation Over Existing Keyframes 8m
- Exploring How to Create and Animate Particles Within XSI 9m
- Setting up Dynamic Forces to Interact with Animated Particles 8m
- Creating and Modifying Shading Networks for the Particles 7m
- Exploring the Process of Setting up Rigid Body Dynamics in XSI 11m
- Creating and Adjusting Lights in XSI Using the Render Region Tool 7m
- Using the Render Region Options to Control the Look and Quality of Your Renders 5m
- Exploring XSI's Ambient Occlusion Shader 3m
- Setting up and Adjusting Final Gather in XSI 5m
- Setting up Image-based Lighting to Create Realistic Renders in XSI 6m
- Using Lens Shaders to Create Depth-of-field Effects 6m
- Setting up the Final Renders and Rendering Animated Sequences in XSI 11m