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Securing ASP.NET Core with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect

In this course you’ll learn how to secure your ASP.NET Core web applications and APIs with today’s de facto standards: OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.

Kevin Dockx - Pluralsight course - Securing ASP.NET Core with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
by Kevin Dockx

What you'll learn

You've built a web application, an API, or both with ASP.NET Core, but... something seems to be missing: almost all applications need to be secured these days.

In this course, Securing ASP.NET Core with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, you'll learn how to use today's standards, OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, to secure ASP.NET Core web applications and APIs.

You’ll learn what these standards are and how to implement them. After that, you’ll learn about authorization and authorization policies, storing your users and integrating with other identity providers. Finally, you’ll learn how to get ready for production and deploy your identity provider.

After this course you'll know the ins and outs of securing ASP.NET Core web applications and APIs with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.

Table of contents

About the author

Kevin Dockx - Pluralsight course - Securing ASP.NET Core with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
Kevin Dockx

Kevin Dockx is a freelance solution architect (mobile/web), author & consultant, living in Antwerp (Belgium).

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