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Authenticating Your AngularJS SPA with ASP.NET Web API and Auth0

This course targets web developers who want to implement authentication and authorization in their Angular SPA with ASP.NET Web API and Auth0.

Ajden Towfeek - Pluralsight course - Authenticating Your AngularJS SPA with ASP.NET Web API and Auth0
by Ajden Towfeek

What you'll learn

This course introduces ASP.NET developers to Auth0 authentication and authorization as a service. You will save time and be able to focus on what really matters by eliminating the friction of identity in your application. You will learn how to easily and quickly connect your app, choose identity providers, and add users and access analytics from your Auth0 dashboard. It really is identity made simple for developers.

Table of contents

About the author

Ajden Towfeek - Pluralsight course - Authenticating Your AngularJS SPA with ASP.NET Web API and Auth0
Ajden Towfeek

Ajden has worked on everything from embedded devices to large-scale enterprise systems during his 10+ years in commercial software development. Since 2007, Ajden has focused on Microsoft technologies and, more recently, on web technologies. Ajden is also a speaker at conferences and has a passion for teaching.

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