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Fundamentals of Azure Cloud Services and Storage

This course provides the core details to working with Azure services and storage from any language.

Matt Milner - Pluralsight course - Fundamentals of Azure Cloud Services and Storage
by Matt Milner

What you'll learn

In this course you will learn about Windows Azure cloud services and storage. Specifically, you will learn how to provision Azure services and how to deploy and upgrade your applications. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of the storage services provided in Windows Azure: tables, blobs, and queues; and how they are exposed via HTTP. This course does not use a language specific SDK. Instead, the goal of this course is to help you understand how these services work and how to use HTTP to interact with them providing the foundation for working with these technologies from your preferred language.

Table of contents

About the author

Matt Milner - Pluralsight course - Fundamentals of Azure Cloud Services and Storage
Matt Milner

Matt is an independent consultant with expertise in web application design and development and systems integration. As a writer, Matt has contributed to several journals and magazines such as MSDN Magazine. Matt regularly shares his love of technology by speaking at local, regional, and international conferences such as DevWeek, Prairie Dev Con, That Conference, and VS Live. As a Pluralsight Author, Matt has created more than 30 courses on the topics of web, mobile, and cloud development.

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