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Understanding Azure DevTest Labs

Maintaining consistent test cloud environments and having clear visibility into costs can be challenging. This course will teach you to use Azure DevTest Labs to create and maintain Microsoft Azure cloud environments for experimenting and tests.

Daniel Krzyczkowski - Pluralsight course - Understanding Azure DevTest Labs
by Daniel Krzyczkowski

What you'll learn

Having a consistent approach for creating and maintaining cloud environments for tests and experiments can be difficult, especially with many cloud engineers in the team. In this course, Understanding Azure DevTest Labs, you’ll learn what Azure DevTest Labs are and how to use them for development and experimenting. First, you’ll discover a functional understanding of the business impact of Azure DevTest Labs. Next, you’ll explore how to implement a basic DevTest Lab environment. Finally, you’ll learn how to govern Azure DevTest Labs by managing the configuration of permissions and policies. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a fundamental understanding of Azure DevTest Labs.

Table of contents

About the author

Daniel Krzyczkowski - Pluralsight course - Understanding Azure DevTest Labs
Daniel Krzyczkowski

Principal Software Engineer. Passionate about Microsoft technologies. Awarded with Microsoft Most Valuable Professional title. Loves to share his knowledge and passion about Microsoft Azure, Universal Windows Platform, Internet of Things, and Azure DevOps.

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