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Beginner's Guide to NUKE

In this series of NUKE tutorials, we will take an introductory look into NUKE and compositing so you can learn essential terms and definitions, and build a solid foundation in computer graphics. Software required: NUKE 6.2v1 and up.

What you'll learn

In this series of NUKE tutorials, we will take an introductory look into NUKE and compositing so you can learn essential terms and definitions and build a solid foundation in computer graphics. We will start off by covering what compositing is and what a node is. We will then take a look at reading images into NUKE so you learn how to begin work on your own projects. After that, you will learn to use the common nodes to build NUKE node graphs. And to wrap up the series of tutorials, we will go over how to write your projects out of NUKE to show the world what you have accomplished. This series of step-by-step videos were developed with artists new to NUKE in mind so we will be moving at a steady, easy-to-follow pace making sure you understand terms and basic techniques. Software required: NUKE 6.2v1 and up.

Table of contents