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    • Core Tech

Building Dynamic Websites with PHP and MySQL

In this course you will learn how to create dynamic, data driven websites using the LAMP stack.

What you'll learn

In this course you will learn how to create dynamic, data driven websites using the LAMP stack. The course focuses on the integration of the LAMP components (especially MySQL and PHP) to create a complete working site. Throughout the course, a lending library that needs a web application to track its books and borrowers provides a scenario for discussion and demonstration. Attention is also paid to best practices for keeping the site secure. Students should have a basic prior knowledge of relational databases and SQL and of the PHP language (variables, operators, loops, branches, and simple string handling). Basic competence at the Linux command line (including the ability to edit text files) is also assumed. Students can follow along with all demos by pre-installing Centos 6 (or similar) into a virtual machine.

Table of contents