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Creating Character Expressions in Toon Boom Harmony

In this Toon Boom Harmony tutorial we'll learn the theory behind each of the six major expressions that animated characters will need to call on. Software required: Toon Boom Harmony 11.

What you'll learn

In this Toon Boom Harmony tutorial we'll learn the theory behind each of the six major expressions that animated characters will need to call on. You'll also learn tips on how to draw the expressions using guide points and muscle groups, and then you'll apply them to a character created in Toon Boom Harmony. The course will also cover the most economical ways to create lip-syncs and blinks for the expressions. By the end of the Toon Boom Harmony training, you'll have a fundamental understanding of how to create a truly expressive character, ready to be set up for digital animation. Software required: Toon Boom Harmony 11.

Table of contents