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Managing Data in the Cloud

This course will provide you with the background needed to understand and explain the management of data in the cloud, as well as the technical, business, and security issues associated with legal, jurisdictional, and data sovereignty requirements.

Kevin Jackson - Pluralsight course - Managing Data in the Cloud
by Kevin Jackson

What you'll learn

In their efforts to realize the advantages of cloud computing, companies are struggling with the task of managing and protecting data. This course, Managing Data in the Cloud, will instruct you on the best ways to perform these tasks. You will first learn how to transition applications or business processes to a cloud computing or hybrid IT environment. Next, you'll discover how to lead the digital transformation of a business or organization and align business or mission goals to the adoption of cloud computing based services. Finally, you will take a look into designing and establishing the policies and guidelines necessary for information technology governance within a hybrid IT environment. By the end of this course, you will be able to advise and lead this difficult, but important task.

Table of contents

About the author

Kevin Jackson - Pluralsight course - Managing Data in the Cloud
Kevin Jackson

Kevin L. Jackson is a globally recognized cloud computing thought leader and an (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional instructor.

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