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Information and Cyber Security GRC: Commission and Manage Penetration Tests

by Mike Woolard

Penetration testing is a proven tool in the fight against those who want to attack us. This course will teach you the steps to prepare for and what to expect during the pentest to make the most effective use of time and money.

What you'll learn

Having a third party test your controls and try to poke a hole into your network is only as effective as you make it. In this course, Information and Cyber Security GRC: Commission and Manage Penetration Tests, you’ll learn to prepare your organization and conduct an effective and productive pen test. First, you’ll explore pre-engagement activities to prepare the organization. Next, you’ll discover activities to further benefit from an ongoing engagement. Finally, you’ll learn how to ready resources and use the results of the test to your organizations benefit. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of commissioning and managing a penetration test needed to effectively further your security posture and strengthen your systems and networks.

About the author

Mike is an information security manager who has worked in the IT and Information Security fields for 22+ years. A broad background from helpdesk to sysadmin, system engineer, networking, DB and development work. Most of Mike's work now centers around pentests and risk assessments, but an integral part will always be awareness training. An active member in various local security groups, Mike volunteers, speaks, or attends various information security cons.

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