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9 Things You Can Do for Free with Couchbase Server

by CouchCon Live

This session with Matthew Groves will showcase the amazing Couchbase Server features that you can use without buying a license.

What you'll learn

Couchbase Server is a powerful, distributed "NoSQL" document database. Did you know there a free version of it called Couchbase Server Community Edition? This session with Matthew Groves will showcase the amazing features that you can use without buying a license. After this session, you can store JSON, cache it, query it with SQL, scale it, text search it, replicate it, and sync it to mobile devices, all with a single platform.

Table of contents

9 Things You Can Do for Free with Couchbase Server

About the author

CouchCon Live is a single day virtual technical conference focused on connecting and growing our vibrant tech community! We're bringing quality technical content to a virtually connected community. Whether you're a new developer or have been working in the industry for years, we know you'll meet other great people and learn something new.

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