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Using Virtual Worlds in a Time of Travel Disruption

Aaron Frank walks you through an introduction on using social virtual spaces to connect people inside those spatial environments across distances.

Singularity University - Pluralsight course - Using Virtual Worlds in a Time of Travel Disruption
by Singularity University

What you'll learn

Step into the new (virtual) world. Aaron Frank walks you through an introduction on using social virtual spaces to connect people inside those spatial environments across distances. Aaron Frank is Principal Faculty at Singularity University. He is a writer and lecturer based full time at SU where he focuses his time researching the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies and their impact on business and society.. His writing has been published at Forbes, Wired UK, Vice, and Venturebeat.

Table of contents

About the author

Singularity University - Pluralsight course - Using Virtual Worlds in a Time of Travel Disruption
Singularity University

Singularity University is a global learning and innovation community using exponential technologies to tackle the world’s biggest challenges and build a better future for all.

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