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Creating a Brand Style Guide

A brand style guide allows you to communicate your brand consistently across all mediums. This course will teach you about understanding branding, communicating logo uses, defining brand typography, distributing a brand style guide, and much more. Software required: Adobe InDesign CC.

Pariah Burke - Pluralsight course - Creating a Brand Style Guide
by Pariah Burke

What you'll learn

Are you a business owner, brand manager, or graphic designer, who creates and works with client brands or your own? In this course, Creating a Brand Style Guide, you'll develop an understanding of branding and learn the different elements it takes to create your own brand style guide. First, you'll begin by learning about effective branding. Next, you'll start working with establishing consistent brand colors across all media, defining and communicating your logo uses, and defining your brand typography. Finally, you'll explore how to utilize photography and video in your brand, and how to use and distribute your brand style guide. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a better understanding of the importance of various brand communication elements, how to solidify the desired uses of those elements and interactions, and strategies to set down concise rules to ensure control and consistency of brand element usage and visual representation. Software required: Adobe InDesign CC.

Table of contents

About the author

Pariah Burke - Pluralsight course - Creating a Brand Style Guide
Pariah Burke

As a freelance graphic designer with over 20 years' experience, Pariah sits on the Adobe Advisory Group, is an Adobe Freelancer, and is an Adobe Community Professional and a former trainer and technical lead for Adobe's technical support teams for InDesign, InCopy, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

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