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Creating Custom Controls in iOS

To make your iOS app truly shine and stand out, sometimes you need to customize the controls found inside UIKit or make an entirely new one. In this course, you'll create your own custom control from the very beginning to completion.

Jordan Morgan - Pluralsight course - Creating Custom Controls in iOS
by Jordan Morgan

What you'll learn

One of the most exciting and necessary tools to know when developing for iOS is how to customize the controls inside UIKit. In this course, Creating Custom Controls in iOS, you'll do more than just walk through how to make custom controls, you'll start at the very beginning - with a blank slate. First, you'll learn about classes to use. Then, you'll learn all about passing data back and forth. Finally, you'll gain experience in animating your controls. After this course, you'll have the knowledge and experience to start making any controls you could possibly imagine.

Table of contents

About the author

Jordan Morgan - Pluralsight course - Creating Custom Controls in iOS
Jordan Morgan

Jordan Morgan is a software developer from Ozark, Missouri, who founded Dreaming In Binary with his wife. He is focused on helping the community, creating things that inspire others, doing talks over iOS, and constantly being a student of any form of software engineering.

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