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Creating User-friendly Custom Windows with Scriptable Objects in Unity

This course will step up editor scripting up a few notches, by adding some more visually friendly aspects. This course will show users how to implement custom font, colors, and images with scriptable objects.

Michael Taylor - Pluralsight course - Creating User-friendly Custom Windows with Scriptable Objects in Unity
by Michael Taylor

What you'll learn

Have you ever started prototyping a game and wanted some colleagues to work along with you? Did you need fast and easy to implement production tools to build out characters and pieces? In this course, Creating User-friendly Custom Windows with Scriptable Objects, you will gain the knowledge to make a custom window that makes character templates via Scriptable objects. First, you will learn the process of adding images and colors to our window. Next, you will discover how to create scriptable objects. Finally, you will explore how to the window settings. When you are finished with this course, you will know how to make custom windows, add images and colors, and gain a greater understanding of the settings. Required Software: Unity 2018

Table of contents

About the author

Michael Taylor - Pluralsight course - Creating User-friendly Custom Windows with Scriptable Objects in Unity
Michael Taylor

Michael is a video game lover turned Game Jam enthusiast, turned Unity Certified Developer.

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