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Creating Web Services with Go 1

In this course you will build restful web services using Go’s standard library.

Alex Schultz - Pluralsight course - Creating Web Services with Go 1
by Alex Schultz

What you'll learn

Web services power just about every web application that we as consumers use every day. In this course, Creating Web Services with Go 1, you'll learn how to build restful web services using Go’s standard library. First, you’ll explore the use of standard http methods to perform create, update, and delete operations using persistent data with a database. Next, you'll learn how to test your webservices using http debugging tools and you’ll see how you can make use of websockets to improve the user experience of your application. Finally, you'll discover how you can format data using Go’s built in templating package. By the end of this course, you should have a firm foundation from which to build your own web services using Go.

Table of contents

About the author

Alex Schultz - Pluralsight course - Creating Web Services with Go 1
Alex Schultz

Alex Schultz an award-winning machine learning software engineer with over 9 years of experience across a wide range of technologies.

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