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Data Science with Python: Foundations of Machine Learning

by Amber Israelsen

Machine learning is one of the hottest fields in the world today. This course will teach you how to get started solving business problems using Python.

What you'll learn

You’ve probably heard about how machine learning is shaping our world—from facial recognition to package delivery, from speech recognition to product recommendations. But how do you get started in this exciting field?

In this course, Data Science with Python: Foundations of Machine Learning, you’ll gain the ability to solve business problems using Python.

First, you’ll explore how to identify and frame various types of machine learning problems.

Next, you’ll discover how to train a machine learning model, using prepared data.

Finally, you’ll learn how to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model using various evaluation metrics.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of the machine learning process to effectively build, train, and evaluate your own models using Python.

About the author

Amber has been a software developer and technical trainer since the early 2000s. In recent years, she has focused on teaching AI, machine learning, AWS and Power Apps, teaching students around the world. She also works to bridge the gap between developers, designers and businesspeople with her expertise in visual communication, user experience and business/professional skills. She holds certifications in machine learning, AWS, a variety of Microsoft technologies, and is a former Microsoft Cer... more

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