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Data Security Champion: Ransomware

by Laurentiu Raducu

This course will teach you how to recognize, respond to, and prevent ransomware attacks, a skill crucial for data analysts and IT professionals to safeguard sensitive data and maintain robust security protocols in their organizations.

What you'll learn

Facing the increasing threat of ransomware can be daunting for any organization, especially as it poses significant risks to data integrity and business continuity. In this course, Data Security Champion: Ransomware, you’ll learn to effectively identify, mitigate, and respond to ransomware threats. First, you’ll explore the fundamental concepts of ransomware, including its mechanisms and common attack vectors. Next, you’ll discover practical strategies for integrating ransomware defenses into your data analysis workflow. Finally, you will understand how ransomware operates and how to integrate practices in your workflows to avoid such an attack. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of ransomware defense needed to protect your critical data assets and contribute to your organization's overall cybersecurity posture.

About the author

It all began in highschool, when Laurentiu first started his path in the computer science journey. Initially he started with C++, and fell in love quickly with the prospect of learning to develop software. Thanks to his passion for chess, his first computer program was a console-based ASCII chess game developed in C++. After a while, during university, Laurentiu started to experiment with other OOP programming languages, like Java, Kotlin or Python. He started to play with different tech stacks ... more

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