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Designing Fluent APIs in C#

This course teaches C# developers skills to construct easy-to-use APIs that replace tedious boilerplate with concise, readable code.

Floyd May - Pluralsight course - Designing Fluent APIs in C#
by Floyd May

What you'll learn

This course teaches C# developers skills to construct easy-to-use APIs that replace tedious boilerplate with concise, readable code. It identifies common fluent API patterns and constructs vocabulary for these patterns. It covers implementation techniques for those patterns, and discusses design strategies for ensuring that your fluent APIs are useful, bug-free, and maintainable.

Table of contents

About the author

Floyd May - Pluralsight course - Designing Fluent APIs in C#
Floyd May

Developer. Craftsman. Leader. Architect. Mentor. Teacher. Author. Floyd is a veteran software craftsman with broad experience and a passion for teaching.

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