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Building Distributed .NET Apps with Orleans

This course will teach you how to build scalable, high-available and fault tolerant applications with Microsoft Orleans.

Lindsey Broos - Pluralsight course - Building Distributed .NET Apps with Orleans
by Lindsey Broos

What you'll learn

In this course, Building Distributed .NET Apps with Orleans, you’ll learn to build scalable, high-available and fault tolerant applications using Orleans. First, you’ll explore what distributed applications and Orleans is and what building blocks we need to start with Orleans. Next, you’ll discover how to use these building blocks and how they work. Finally, you’ll learn how to add more advanced features like timers, reminders, observers and streams to your application. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to build distributed applications using Orleans.

Table of contents

About the author

Lindsey Broos - Pluralsight course - Building Distributed .NET Apps with Orleans
Lindsey Broos

Lindsey Broos is a Microsoft MVP living in Belgium. She is a .NET consultant at Talent-IT. Her focus is everything .NET and web development. She is very active in the tech community as lead of Visug (the .NET User Group in Belgium) and as crew member of Techorama, the biggest Microsoft-oriented conference in Belgium and the Netherlands.

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