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Droidcon Boston '19: Solving the Hard Problems

You will learn different approaches you can take and different things to look for when you find yourself with a difficult problem that has an obscure solution.

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Solving the Hard Problems
by Droidcon Boston

What you'll learn

Do you ever find yourself staring at a problem that you have NO IDEA how to fix? Somehow I end up with those a lot, maybe I'm low on ideas, or I'm just good at finding the right rock to open up the coconut. Regardless, I'm happy to fight with a problem, poking and prodding until I find that special epiphany that makes it clear, usually muttering "it was so simple all along". I will share some stories of times I've been stuck, and the strategies employed to break through the lack of understanding and get to a solution. You will learn different approaches you can take and different things to look for when you find yourself with a difficult problem that has an obscure solution. Hopefully, you'll also laugh, as I did, at the simple solutions that were so laboriously won.

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About the author

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Solving the Hard Problems
Droidcon Boston

Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017.

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