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Droidcon Boston '19: Keynote: Android Routines on Coroutines

Journey through the history of coroutines, learning what problems they're good at solving - and how they can be used effectively in our Android applications.

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Keynote: Android Routines on Coroutines
by Droidcon Boston

What you'll learn

Coroutines have been around since the dawn of programming languages, but it's only recently come to Android programmers through Kotlin. Journey through the history of coroutines, learning what problems they're good at solving - and how they can be used effectively in our Android applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Keynote: Android Routines on Coroutines
Droidcon Boston

Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017.

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