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Droidcon Boston '19: Finite State Machines to the Rescue: Get Complex App Flows Under Control

This talk will demonstrate a way to get complex flows under control by using a finite state machine. We will use Kotlin and basic RxJava to create a generic finite state machine that allows us to nicely decouple state and UI logic.

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Finite State Machines to the Rescue: Get Complex App Flows Under Control
by Droidcon Boston

What you'll learn

Complex Android app flows consist of many screens, synchronous and/or asynchronous calls, and potentially involve third-party libraries with different life cycles. On top of that, the activity lifecycle is quite complex — making it close to impossible to handle all edge cases caused by that lifecycle. This talk will demonstrate a way to get complex flows under control by using a finite state machine. We will use Kotlin and basic RxJava to create a generic finite state machine that allows us to nicely decouple state and UI logic. We will also look into the composition of finite state machines.

Table of contents

About the author

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Finite State Machines to the Rescue: Get Complex App Flows Under Control
Droidcon Boston

Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017.

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