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Droidcon Boston '19: Community-driven, Community-built: The Droidcon Boston App Story

Crowd sourcing a team of professionals from around the globe for a conference is not easy. Get a first-hand account from two first-time volunteers about how just a little time in each week was enough to bring the Droidcon Boston 2019 app to life.

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Community-driven, Community-built: The Droidcon Boston App Story
by Droidcon Boston

What you'll learn

Crowd sourcing a team of professionals from around the globe for a conference is not an easy task. Get a first-hand account from two first-time volunteers about how just a little time in each week was enough to bring the Droidcon Boston 2019 app to life. Learn what Android patterns we used to build the app this year, how we balanced global weekly meetings and touchpoints through Slack channels, and most importantly what it was like to get involved in the Android development community. Contributing to the community isn't as scary as it seems!

Table of contents

About the author

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: Community-driven, Community-built: The Droidcon Boston App Story
Droidcon Boston

Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017.

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